Changes in brand names

The brand names of the wide range of fertilizers produced by MeMon are being revised. The brand policy will be simplified and focus on different types of fertilizers. The changes will be gradually introduced towards the coming season starting in August.

Conventional agri- and horticulture

All basic organic fertilizers that can be used as base fertilization for various crops will be included under the world-famous brand name ORGEVIT. ORGEVIT is characterised by a high amount of stable organic matter and a sum of NPK of around 10 for an affordable price. ORGA/BASE/P and ORGA/BASE/K will be renamed to ORGEVIT P and ORGEVIT K.

The enriched organic fertilizers with a high amount of nutrients will be covered by the brand name SIFORGA. This type of fertilizer is made of organic raw materials only and can be used for specific crop needs and complete fertilization programmes. SIFORGA is available in both pellets and granulates.

The PRIMAX range consists of organo-mineral fertilizers. This type of fertilizer is produced by combining organic raw materials with mineral nutrients. Organo-mineral fertilizers are highly concentrated, making them ideal for precision fertilization. PRIMAX fertilizers are available in all-in-one pellets and granular blends.

Organic agri- and horticulture

All solid fertilizers that are accredited and allowed in organic agriculture (EU 2021/1165 and EU 2018/848) have been collected under the brand name MONTERRA. Current brands like SIFORGA BIO and @2SOIL will be integrated into the MONTERRA range as well. This will make it easier to recognize which fertilizers are accredited and in conformity with the European directives for organic agriculture. Within the MONTERRA range, there are different specializations:

  • MONTERRA Malt contains at least 30% malt germs. The presence of phytohormones in the malt germs stimulates the root growth and nutrient uptake of plants.
  • MONTERRA Substrate are organic fertilizers in crumb form. Ideal for adding and mixing into substrates and potting soils.
  • MONTERRA Granulate has a unique granular form to ensure a homogeneous distribution with a fertilizer spreader and is poor in dust.

FONTANA is a range of highly concentrated liquid fertilizers specially designed for precision fertilization of different crops during the successive stages of the growth cycle. FONTANA fertilizers are produced of 100% organic raw materials like fermented plant extracts and enzymatically hydrolysed animal proteins. All FONTANA liquids are allowed to be used in organic agriculture (EU 2021/1165 and EU 2018/848).

Next steps

The changes in brand names will be gradually introduced. Companies that have registrations under the old brand names will be contacted.

The overview of the brand names for the professional Agri- and horticulture is shown in the scheme below. For the sport and golf sector, the brand name MATCH will be maintained.